important information


Some MDwise members have reported receiving a text with this message:

“(Final Alert) Your health insurance policy needs your attention. Response is required call a live representative now at: (888) 423-6433.”

This text message is NOT from MDwise. The telephone number listed in the text message is NOT an MDwise telephone number. This text appears to be part of a scam targeting Medicaid and Medicare members. If you call the number, the person answering will try to get you to pay a fee.

If you have any questions, please contact MDwise at our Customer Service line, 800-356-1204.


MDwiseREWARDS is a rewards program for every Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP) and Hoosier Healthwise member. MDwise members are automatically enrolled in the MDwiseREWARDS program. The program allows you to earn points to exchange for gift cards. For information on how to earn and spend points, please select your health plan below.