Quality Annual Report

Our Quality Management (QM) program helps us get your feedback on our benefits and services, so we can track how we’re doing and improve service to you and all our members.

The QM team measures the care and services you get through standard performance measures called Health Care Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS). Please see our annual scores below:

  Score or % of our members
who got the service
Goal (50th Percentile) Goal Met?
Childhood Immunizations 28.47% 38.20% No
Annual Dental Visit 50.99% 45.77% Yes
Asthma Medication Ratio 68.32% 64.78% Yes
Prenatal Care 81.25% 85.89% No
Follow-Up After ER Visit 18.78% 13.36% Yes

How the QM program can help you or your child.

We can work together to learn more about you or your child and make you or your health care experiences better. Here are some of the ways you or your child can participate in QM initiatives and get rewards for keeping up with you or your child’s health. 

Set up your child’s well-child check-up.

Call your child’s PMP to schedule their well-child check-up. Your child’s doctor will provide information on the shots your child may need. If your child gets a needed service, your child may get a gift card if the service is listed in MDwiseREWARDS for Hoosier HealthwiseMDwiseREWARDS for Healthy Indiana Plan or call MDwise Customer Service.

Helping you manage all the moving pieces

We send out reminders to help you stay on top of your care. We’ll let you know when it’s time for you or your family to get things like:

  • Shots
  • Lead screenings
  • Blood pressure checks
  • Mammograms and Pap smears
  • Diabetes care
  • Prenatal and postpartum care

Call your PMP today to see if you or your child is due for a checkup or screening.

Thanks for being a member. We’ll keep working to find new ways to serve you better.

Call MDwise Customer Service if you have any questions or for translation or oral interpretation at no cost at 1-800-356-1204 (TTY 711).